The Art of Travel
Traveling in India has provided wonderful lessons in letting go, being flexible and flying by the seat of my pants. My plans have changed and been altered dozens of times, and sometimes, I just have no plan. It usually works out better that way.
Sometimes I find myself second guessing my decisions, wondering if I should have stayed a day longer or less in one place, should have visited a place I've already passed and is now too far out of the way or if I'm missing something along the way. I've realized though that there is no right or wrong way to travel, and wherever you end up, it will be amazing.
A few days ago, I had just one day in Calcutta before catching a flight down to Kerala. What to do for one day in one of the world's most densely populated and polluted cities? I'd heard mixed reviews of Calcutta (Kolkata); some loved it, called it their favorite Indian city while others said "get out as soon as possible."
In one day you could go on one of those whirlwind bus tours the government puts on, but those are tiring and slightly embarassing as a herd of Westerners are marched on and off a bus around town. Instead, I opted to just wander the Maiden area, see the Victoria Memorial and walk down Park Street.
If you had only one day in New York City, what would you do? It's overwhelming. If it's a nice day, I would recommend meandering through Central Park because it represents the city at it's best. You see people from all walks of life, neighborhoods, socio-economic backgrounds lounging, exercising, kissing, reading, walking, playing baseball, sleeping, begging, selling and eating. I felt like a day in the Maiden was like this, excpet I've never seen a cow or a herd of goats interrupt a softball game in Central Park.
Park Street is home to some of the nicer shops and restaurants in the city. It's lined with trees and since eating seems to be the citywide pastime, it was a good place to go. I was enjoying myself so much that I was regretting only giving the city one day, not even 24 full hours. But then, when I returned to my hotel room to wash off the one-inch layer of grime and soot that had accumulated on my body, I knew it was time to board that plane and head south.
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